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Expert ADHD Coaching

Expert ADHD Coaching
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Andrew Lewis, ADHD Coach UK

Expert Adult ADHD Coaching

Helping ADHD clients achieve career success in balance with a happy, healthy life

Andrew Lewis, ADHD Coach UK

Andrew Lewis, ADHD Coach

Thousands of hours experience coaching hundreds of ADHD adults. Twenty year business experience from coder, sales, to founder

Access to Work
UK disability award for coaching
Business expertise
20 years, corporates to startups
2/3 calls a month
50min - time to plan and focus
Admin support
Payments, dates and admin
Automatic payments
Easy set up once, monthly debit
Voice is best
Fexible, best for deep thinking

Coaching for ADHD business professionals, entrepreneurs, and executives 

Make 2025 the year of breakthrough ADHD success

  • "I just wanted to say thank you ever so much for all the support, patience, brilliant advice and tools shared over the last year. It’s been such a transformative experience!"

    Maia, Charity co-ordinator
  • "During that time I raised my income, published several pieces of writing and built my self-confidence. I worked for it, but his help was a great support in realizing this potential."

    Kate, Writer & artist
  • "Andrew is a brilliant coach who has helped me navigate many key decisions over the past couple of years. He has helped me better understand how my brain works and how that applies to my business and life, helping provide a balanced perspective. I would highly recommend!"

    Tom, CEO Cloud Enterprise
  • "With Andrew’s support, I started a publishing business. His insightful advice played a pivotal role in reaching my goals."

    Carolyn, Pubishing MD
  • "I have been working with Andrew for over two years. During this time I have experienced a substantial evolution in my approach to life, work and family"

    Jesus, Biotechnology manager
  • "Working with Andrew has been a total game-changer for my business. He's brilliant at simplifying how to plan and manage my time, making things way less overwhelming. He's never judgmental and really understands the struggles of running a business with ADHD."

    Anna, IT manager
  • "He propelled me into getting my two businesses (why have one when you can have two) off the ground and got me to see the links and how they will merge into one eventually."

    Gillian, ADHD Coach

Successful at work but struggling with the demands? Workload, deadlines, prioritisation, and daily tasks increasingly challenging with ADHD? Your wellbeing and personal life are suffering?

Let's work together to:

  • Maximize productivity to suit, with work systems, processes, apps, AI, and diaries too!
  • Tame procrastination, perfectionism and self-criticism 
  • Strengthen relationships with staff and/or management
  • Develop and implement longer term projects that exploit your natural strengths
  • Navigate career growth from networking, interview, new roles, to business set up
  • Balance career effort with personal time 

Book a call for you to see if I might help you make 2025 a turnaround success for you at work and home.

Clients coached from:

Elevate your ADHD performance

A very experienced adult ADHD coach with 20 years (undiagnosed) in business and start-ups

I have coached around:

Business professionals
Doctors & psychiatrists
Coaches & therapists
Hot-Air Baloonist
Clients Coached
Andrew Lewis, ADHD Coach

Andrew Lewis, ADHD Coach

"I love being an ADHD Coach. To be a part, sometimes briefly, sometimes for years, of the lives of the many interesting, diverse, funny, talented ADHD clients that I coach is a privilege."

I'm Andrew Lewis, a seasoned ADHD coach, with around 16,000 hours adult adhd coaching.

Prior to being a coach, I have 20 years software industry, highs and lows, experience with my undiagnosed ADHD:

  • Worked in software development, marketing, and sales at IBM for 7 years
  • Founded and managed multiple software and consulting start-ups, some successfully!
  • Handled everything from management, business plans to enterprise sales
  • Successfully navigated these roles on the whole, while managing, at times struggling with, undiagnosed ADHD

My work experience, my personal understanding and my ADHD coaching experience give me unique insights into ADHD workplace challenges, to help you thrive.

I live in the UK but since I coach by phone (WhatsApp), we can coach if you live in the USA, Canada, Ireland too, as long as you speak English and time zones work. Book a call to see if I can help you.

Book a free call

ADHD coaching plans

Mind maps, plans and taking action

Mindmaps, AIs, diaries and to-do lists can be extremely helpful as ADHD aids, but frustratingly we may struggle and resist using such tools. ADHD is a doing not a thinking problem! Our rebellious, perfectionist, wing-it natures are often in conflict with our desire to plan.

Based upon my real-world ADHD experience and insights from coaching 600+ ADHD business professionals we integrate: the neuroscience of ADHD, my coaching wisdom refined from practice, established ADHD strategies, our personal life experiences, and your specific ADHD challenges and strengths to agree your next immediate and long term actions.

We take a first principles approach to create new strategies, methods and plans that will work for you and that you feel you can consistently implement. We focus on developing practical, sustainable solutions tailored to your unique ADHD profile. Sometimes we don't get it entirely right or we may even get it wrong - then we review, reflect and iterate. We discuss decisions, review the longer term, address problems, remove blockers and ensure we consider your wellbeing and family too.

Ready to unlock your potential? Book a free 30-minute consultation with minimal paperwork and straightforward administration.

ADHD Mind maps

ADHD coaching objectives

Success at work in balance with a happy life

  • Successful ADHD business woman
  • Happy ADHD business man
  • Business man talking with ADHD Coach
  • On ADHD business coaching call
  • ADHD Business woman
  • Casual man phone ADHD coaching
  • ADHD Mind maps

Our aim is for you to be more successful and effective in work. Sometimes the best solution is to hire a PA, delegate, automate, or change career direction. ADHD is part of the mix but efficiency and effectiveness are the goals.

In our coaching sessions, you set the agenda, pace, and objectives:

  • getting on top of daily and week organising
  • planning projects and making key decisions
  • prioritizing important but non-urgent tasks
  • maximising delegation from an assistant and/or staff
  • developing stronger relationships with leadership
  • creating a healthier work/life balance to enjoy life a little more...

It's constructive discussion, with agreed outcomes and follow-up. I coach many clients long-term helping with reflection, planning, and ongoing development - balancing business success with wellbeing and relationships.

Book a free call
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Website designed, written and created by Andrew Lewis, using Wordpress and Oxygen
49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA
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