Established in 2006, to help adults with ADHD enjoy health, happiness and wellbeing
SimplyWellbeing is managed by me, Andrew Lewis. Admin, bookings and payments are managed by Alison Quinn. Whether you were diagnosed in childhood, just recently or are still not sure if you are ADHD, SimplyWellbeing can help:
My help is through ADHD coaching and in providing this site packed full of helpful information resources and my blog posts in insights.
The name SimplyWellbeing come from a typically holistic ADHD focus, I want to help adults with ADHD achieve more health, happiness, success and less stress, illness and sadness in their lives: my focus is simply on wellbeing!
The DNA flower embraces my perspective and the science that we all owe most of our personality to genetics. My aim is to help adults with ADHD to Understand, Accept and Embrace their ADHD. We cannot become someone that we are not but we can grow and develop from where we are.
Our terms and conditions set out our services, privacy policy, and how we store and use your data.
The SimplyWellbeing plan is to understand ourselves, accept our limitations and embrace our strengths to pursue our interests and passions.