This website

Who designed and created this website?


Delays expected, perfectionist procrastinator at work...

Well as you so kindly ask, it’s my own work. I designed, created and wrote everything on this website and it took me far too long!

My old site, maintained by an agency looked rubbish with pinch-zooming to see anything. Google had down-graded the site in search results, not good news when most of my clients come from internet searches.

I decided to take over and do it myself. I started with a new logo, created with an internet mini-competition at a design company call 99designs. I love the growing DNA flower design from hugrafik, that you see above. To me it symbolises developing from who you are, from your genetic roots, to grow into a better you.

I had some experience with WordPress, as I had made this MadTudors blog with my daughter years a few years ago. WordPress  is the biggest and most supported blogging platform, it made sense. I looked for a theme, an easier way of designing your website in a particular style. After a terrible support experience with my initial choice, I chose a popular theme called Avada, which eventually proved too slow and I have recently migrated to Oxygen Builder for better performance and flexibility.

The design and setup of each version of the site was completed in true ADHD fashion: five months of inactive contemplation, one month of panicked hyper-focused work, then three more months finishing it off in a perfectionist haze – before I launched it! I do hope you find it clear, easy to navigate and engaging.


I use “ADHD” to stand for: ADD, AD/HD, Attention deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
I am ADHD, I do not have ADHD. ADHD is not an illness, it affects my entire personality and outlook on life
All the images on this site come from Pixabay who offer a free to commercial reuse licence, thanks very much to all the photographers who contributed
SimplyWellbeing logo
Copyright © 2025 SimplyWellbeing
Website designed, written and created by Andrew Lewis, using Wordpress and Oxygen
49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA
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