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ADHD means starting over and over

ADHD means starting over and over
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ADHD at work
If ADHD we find it even harder to maintain habits than to start them
ADHD at work
Teachers saw the issues yet failed to offer meaningful advice
ADHD at work
Here is a video giving my more integrated, experienced based perspective of ADHD
ADHD at work
Concerns about labels don't outweigh the benefits that a label brings
ADHD at work
Understand your own ADHD by seeing it reflected in others
ADHD at work
Deep yet uncontrolled focus
ADHD at work
The perfect teacher, for a connected mind
ADHD at work
The bane of my life, and probably your life too....
ADHD at work
For many their intuition is often accurate, insightful, intelligent and sometimes surprising
ADHD at work
University memory and lecture based education is ADHD hostile
ADHD at work
ADHD differences are not only about dopamine but about different electrical signalling too
ADHD at work
Travel is peak stimulation for my novelty seeking mind
ADHD at work
Genetically programmed to fight the system
ADHD at work
I get bored, very bored, painfully bored but I'm not allowed to talk about it.
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