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ADHD coaching – questions & answers

ADHD coaching – questions & answers
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ADHD Coaching - Questions & Answers

Never formulaic, but focused on finding results that will specifically work for you. 

Questions Answers

Q. Is coaching by phone?

A. Yes, you call Andrew two or three times per month to discuss your ADHD challenges

On the calls we discuss your immediate and longer term challenges. We consider work performance, health and home life too. Whatever makes sense to you. We reflect on a better approach together and you resolve how to take the necessary steps over the next week(s). The idea is to reflect, try, improve, and progress in a constructive and honest framework. No nagging, but there is accountability that comes with the process of regularly reviewing the changes you are making.

Coaching is easy to set up, though sometimes there is a short waiting list to coach.
Two or three 50min sessions each month at a fixed time and day
Coaching is by phone or voice whatsapp only, we can think, focus and take notes
Payment is monthly, in advance, by credit/debit card through Stripe
I coach weekdays, from 9am-6pm. US based clients USA can coach between 8am-1pm EST.
Coaching is quick and easy to set up, with admin support to help with dates and payments
Coaching is international, but in fluent English only
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Q. What’s your coaching experience and training?

A. I trained with the ADD Coaching Academy and have coached over 600 adults with 16,000 hours of ADHD coaching experience

Since then I have coached over 600 adults with ADHD, that’s about 16,000 hours and 20 years of full-time, adult ADHD coaching.

It takes a broad range of skills and experience to be a good ADHD coach. ADHD Coach training and experience are clearly important, but business and life experience can be crucial too.

ADHD coaching is not a simple repeatable process, it’s two people working together on a shared problem. We bring our collective knowledge, insights, and wisdom to resolve the issue. It’s teamwork, debated, discussed and then you take action to make meaningful change and progress. Many ADHD clients coach with me for years on end, coaching becomes a part of their ongoing life planning and management.

Here’s some relevant training, work and life experience to support our ADHD coaching:

Trained with ADD Coaching Academy, New York
Set up and hosted Europe’s largest adult ADHD support group for 4 years
Established and ran Cambian Adult ADHD Clinic in London
Set up and established several start-up businesses – some successfully!
Decades of experience in sales, marketing, web/social media
Personally experienced in ADHD diagnosis and medication
Single parent for sixteen years
Recovered from depression and addiction
Twenty years experience in business & technology
Over 600 ADHD adults coached, over 16,000 hours coaching
Association of Coaching
ADHD coaching process

Q. Do you have a system for your coaching?

A. Each ADHD adult has a different set of challenges. You chose what to focus on and I help shift your thoughts into plans and actions

I want our sessions to be fluid and effective, after all I’m ADHD and get bored easily! I want to help you deliver long-term, consistent results. Most ADHD adults are perfectionists and self-critical, so we will focus on your strengths and work on the problem areas that you identify.

We ask questions like “do you have to do this task?”, “is it realistic?”, “could someone help you or even do it?”, “what’s been stopping you?”, “what would make it easier?”, “how can you make it less overwhelming?”.

We work out the problem, work on motivation and need, plan what needs to be planned and develop strategies that work for you. We make sure we define ones that are sustainable and actionable. You try it out, like an experiment. You give it the benefit of the doubt, a new behaviour or routine for maybe a few weeks and we discuss whether it is working in following sessions.

With time and some refining it works, new habits form, new approaches work well and you start to make the progress you want.

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Q. Can you coach me, if you’re ADHD too?

A. I am ADHD myself – I procrastinate, avoid dull tasks and fail to plan too - I know what it is to be ADHD

You can read more about my ADHD challenges in my bio here.

The advantage of being coached by someone else with ADHD is their insight, experience, and empathy. I can relate to and understand your ADHD challenges, often straight away – I can see the problem as it’s the same for me. We can both start from an informed position, no need for lengthy explanations. Sometimes it’s simply too hard for someone without ADHD to understand!

The way people with ADHD see the world, the way they speak and joke, the way they perceive time and authority are so similar – it’s extraordinary. I have travelled a similar road, and so have the many amazing and successful ADHD clients that I have coached. There is much strength to be drawn from feeling part of a tribe, to hear how others like you have achieved wellbeing in their lives.

Greatest procrastinator Leonardo

Q. Is your coaching all about “to do” lists, planning and strategies?

A. ADHD affects how we engage with and perceive the world, our relationships and how we consider our future

Coaching help can cover anything you like. Whether our focus is on work, home, health, friends, goals, study, relationships or even the meaning of life – we do so with our ADHD differences in mind.

I want to help you to see your neurology as more difference than disorder, though I certainly won’t under-play or under-estimate the pain and problems. My aim is to help you understand your different brain-wiring, accept your limitations, to embrace your unique ADHD personality and traits and so to live a life more aligned with your strengths and values – and of course to get some planning and paperwork done along the way.

Our ADHD genes are essential for society – we are the creatives, mavericks, entertainers and out-of-the-box thinkers. We may work ineffectively and constantly struggle, simply trying to be ‘normal’, but our subtly different minds can more easily produce original insights, art, ideas, solutions and humour. And we push boundaries that need to be pushed: as rebels, inventors, explorers and entrepreneurs.

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49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA
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