I have often wondered if there is a malign conspiracy of inanimate objects dedicated to my downfall.
Knives leap off plates, glasses wriggle out of my fingers, hot sauces fly from pans, even railway barriers time their closing seconds ahead of my arrival!
I realise it is most likely mild dyspraxia, (fine motor control/clumsiness a common ADHD comorbidity), combined with impulsivity and impatience to get things done, but sometimes I think there’s more to it.It just seems hard to accept this is all just a mere coincidence. Why me, why do so many things go wrong around me. What has the knife, that leaps off the plate onto the floor, got against me?
Why does my laptop hate me and destroy my data? How come my phone screen breaks when I drop it just two foot from the ground, when your phone thrown across the road doesn’t even get a scratch?
There is a conspiracy. At the moment it’s just the odd attack, but I’m scared. Soon all these objects will be talking together, working together as a team. The “Internet of Things” will mean I will be no longer fighting the odd fork but a battalion of forks equipped with ARM CPUs and Google’s Artificial Intelligence systems. My fridge will talk to my toaster, the curtains will align with the book cases, my PS4 will lead the advancing soup bowls.
I need to prepare…
Andrew Lewis is an Adult ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over 16,000 hours of experience in coaching over 600 adults with ADHD, including many ADHD business professionals and ADHD creatives. Andrew ran a major ADHD support group and even an ADHD diagnostic clinic for a while. Andrew is an adult ADHD Coach backed with business expertise from a twenty years career in software, from roles in programming, through marketing, sales and to running a few software start-ups.