A Bird’s-Eye View of Life with ADD – Chris & Alex Zeigler

Book review

From a mother & son team

In this book, mother/son Chris A. Zeigler Dendy/Alex Zeigler, take a “A Bird’s-Eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD: Advice from young survivors”. Recently updated as “ten years later”. Chris wanted to help kids with ADHD deal with life, and the book uses the stories and advice of twelve young adults, aged 12 to 18 to share their struggles with ADHD. Chris Dendy is a former teacher and mental health counsellor, with extensive real-world experience of ADHD.

The books covers schools, medication and friendships and provides clear information about how the brain works and strategies for success. A quick, easy read, the book avoids scientific and medical jargon to successfully explain many aspects ADHD and succeeds in offering sensible solutions to everyday problems.

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ADHD Coach, Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over ten thousand hours and fifteen years of experience in coaching ADHD executives, business professionals and creatives. His expertise with ADHD is personal, with decades of his own experience, bringing up an ADHD child, running a large support group and in coaching clients often for years He has published his writing via this website and has ADHD online courses in development. His business expertise comes from a twenty years career in software, from programming, through marketing, sales and running a few start-ups.

Further reading

ADHD at work
The original, the brilliant book that kicked off the new field of positive psychology, the study of happiness
ADHD at work
The connection between ADDiction and ADD is overwhelming yet so poorly known, this book shines a light on this major isse
ADHD at work
Dr. Daniel Amen is turning psychiatry into science, with objective diagnosis based upon SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) scans to identify brain differences
ADHD at work
A seriously heavy and comprehensive guide to happiness
ADHD at work
Some helpful, direct strategies to manage your ADHD
ADHD at work
Not sure we do denial in our matrix-interconnected ADHD minds but an interesting read
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