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Best blogs on ADHD

Best blogs on ADHD
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Blog insights

Best blogs on ADHD

ADHD Coaching

Access to Work
Disability funding for 4 months in UK
Business expertise
20 years coaching: 20 years in business
2/3 calls month
50min - time to plan and focus
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Landline or WhatsApp work best
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Reading other ADHD adult experiences and thoughts

There are many fantastic blogs written by ADHD authors. I enjoy reading other ADHD writers, for their ADHD style and humour and to feel part of a rather weird ADHD club, though being a maverick “I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member”, thanks Groucho.
  • My ADD / ADHD Blog – Thoughts, Tips, and Information from Tara McGillicuddy, an ADHD Coach and Woman with ADHD
  • The Splintered Mind – Overcoming AD/HD & depression with lots of humor and attitude by Douglas Cootey
  • ADHD Roller Coaster – Gina Pera, author of “Is it You, Me or Adult ADHD“, blogs about lifestyle guidance for couples
  • ADD Consults – Terry Matlen, therapist, author and ADHD coach, helps women and mothers overcome ADHD challenges
  • Untapped Brilliance – author and ADHD coach Jacqueline Sinfield helps adults with ADHD with strategies and life hacks
  • Marla Cummins – has 20 years helping college students and adults with ADHD use healthy techniques to be more effective
  • Dr. Edward Hallowell – psychiatrist, author of “Delivered from Distraction” and speaker. His ADHD advice is intelligent and warm

Andrew Lewis, ADHD Coach UK

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an Adult ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over 16,000 hours of experience in coaching over 600 adults with ADHD, including many ADHD business professionals and ADHD creatives. Andrew ran a major ADHD support group and even an ADHD diagnostic clinic for a while. Andrew is an adult ADHD Coach backed with business expertise from a twenty years career in software, from roles in programming, through marketing, sales and to running a few software start-ups. 

ADHD at work
Deadlines can help but a coach can help you find lasting ways to be on task with no deadline in sight
ADHD at work
Tomm Hartmann convincingly argues that ADHD is not a disorder
ADHD at work
It’s not easy finding the right job if ADHD. It's not money or status, but novelty, creativity and passion
ADHD at work
It's easy to lose hope, other people can help you regain it.
ADHD at work
Here is a video giving my more integrated, experienced based perspective of ADHD
ADHD at work
Our microbiome is instrumental in our mood, cognition and health. Treat it carefully
ADHD at work
Simple planning without a diary or to-do list
ADHD at work
University memory and lecture based education is ADHD hostile
ADHD at work
Gratitude proven as effective as anti-depressants in lifting your mood
ADHD at work
Great talk on genetic influences from Steven Pinker
ADHD at work
Gratitude is experimentally proven to be the fastest and laziest path to happiness!
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Website designed, written and created by Andrew Lewis, using Wordpress and Oxygen
49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA
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