Getting past the ADHD label

The label ADHD helps more than it hinders

Once we get past the fear of a label, there is a lot of benefit in knowing and accepting our ADHD, much better than a life in denial or misunderstanding.

My life would have been very different had I known about my ADHD from an early age: I might have understood how to overcome many challenges, avoided problems and heartaches,  and protected my self belief.

Welcome the label

I have coached several hundred adults, late adult-diagnosed with ADHD. Everyone has wished to have known about their label earlier – every one.

Welcome the label for the insight it brings, and books are a great way to share and discuss ADHD with your children, parents, relatives and friends.

Labels bring deeper understanding and insight, so make the label work for you – as a signpost to help and wellbeing.

ADHD Coach, Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over 15,000 hours and 18 years of experience in coaching over 500 ADHD executives, ADHD business professionals and ADHD creatives. Andrew ran a major ADHD support group and an ADHD diagnostic clinic for a while. He is an ADHD specialist backed with business expertise from a twenty years career in software, from roles in programming, through marketing, sales and to running a few software start-ups. His ADHD insight is personal, with decades understanding his own ADHD experience and in bringing up his ADHD daughter. He has published his writing primarily via this website, with interactive ADHD courses in development.


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Website designed, written and created by Andrew Lewis, using Wordpress and Oxygen
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