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ADHD at work
Adults with ADHD are six times more likely to start their own business
ADHD at work
Just because research is weak doesn't mean the evidence isn't abundant.
ADHD at work
What if our ADHD traits come from Neanderthal genes?
ADHD at work
A short list of the main support sites in the USA and the UK
ADHD at work
Consistently inconsistent? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: So we are inconsistent and that confuses everyone? David:  Well on the one hand, a kid with ADHD can be playing a sport where they kick a ball and stop a ball coming at them – say a soccer ball at 70mph – yet they can’t […]
ADHD at work
What comes easily to you? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: I think that it’s not easy for those of us with ADHD people to work out our strengths and talents. They may be buried under years of problems and battered self-esteem. If you ask somebody with ADHD, “what do you do well?” – the response […]
ADHD at work
Here is a video giving my more integrated, experienced based perspective of ADHD
ADHD at work
Understand your own ADHD by seeing it reflected in others
ADHD at work
With ADHD awareness can come a more positive, strength based outlook to life
ADHD at work
Deep yet uncontrolled focus
ADHD at work
The perfect teacher, for a connected mind
ADHD at work
For many their intuition is often accurate, insightful, intelligent and sometimes surprising
ADHD at work
Following recipes is impossible but innovative and intuitive cooking is our speciality
ADHD at work
Soon after my ADHD diagnosis and saw my aversion to doing dishes in a new light
ADHD at work
Genetically programmed to fight the system
ADHD at work
I get bored, very bored, painfully bored but I'm not allowed to talk about it.
ADHD at work
The label ADHD helps more than it hinders Once we get past the fear of a label, there is a lot of benefit in knowing and accepting our ADHD, much better than a life in denial or misunderstanding. My life would have been very different had I known about my ADHD from an early age: […]
ADHD at work
Ten ways to build a better ADHD life
ADHD at work
It's easy to lose hope, other people can help you regain it.
ADHD at work
It’s not easy finding the right job if ADHD. It's not money or status, but novelty, creativity and passion
ADHD at work
Elon Musk show some of quirky, maverick, perhaps ADHD nature in this video.
ADHD at work
In this great TED Talk, Dan Pink talks about motivation and incentives for right-brained workers. .
ADHD at work
Hunter in a Farmer’s World is Hartmann's metaphor to characterise the life situations of ADHD.
ADHD at work
Jonathan Mooney discusses the how education focuses on the wrong skills
ADHD at work
Medicine understands disease, disorder and disability but not diversity. Research indicates advantageous traits too.
ADHD at work
An energetic and insightful TEDx talk from an ADHD entrepreneur.
ADHD at work
Tomm Hartmann convincingly argues that ADHD is not a disorder
ADHD at work
More accurate than DSM V Funny and really quite accurate perspective of ADHD, from a highly successful, medically-diagnosed ADHD YouTuber known as NigaHiga.
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