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ADHD at work
The UK NHS has reluctantly and slowly moved to helping ADHD adults but it's still it's far from easy
ADHD at work
Well researched, well written, clear overview of ADHD as a disorder
ADHD at work
As you can expect from Barkley, a scientifically precise exploration of ADHD yet somehow detached from the reality of ADHD?
ADHD at work
Brilliant comprehensive guide to adult ADHD
ADHD at work
Dr. Daniel Amen is turning psychiatry into science, with objective diagnosis based upon SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) scans to identify brain differences
ADHD at work
The connection between ADDiction and ADD is overwhelming yet so poorly known, this book shines a light on this major isse
ADHD at work
First of four posts covering my diagnosis journey and experience
ADHD at work
Second of four posts covering my diagnosis journey and experience
ADHD at work
Insightful, honest and very funny There have been a few documentaries on ADHD produced over the years, but their format is usually worthy but depressing. The producers focus on cliché. We see naughty, hyper boys with ADHD, with a well meaning but often patronising tone. As adults with ADHD, we watch quite disconnected from the […]
ADHD at work
Third of four posts covering my diagnosis journey and experience
ADHD at work
Last of four posts covering my diagnosis journey and experience
ADHD at work
My experienced based, non-medical diagnostic criteria for ADHD
ADHD at work
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders on ADHD In the USA these criteria are laid down by the American Psychiatric Association in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 4th edition, the next revision DSM V, is due in 2012. UK psychiatrists use this along with the NICE guidelines on ADHD and […]
ADHD at work
Diagnosis is a turning point I have met and spoken with many adults at the moment of ADHD diagnosis. Many of the clients I start to coach are working through the diagnosis process or have only just been diagnosed. A few years back I had a great job for a while, I ran an Adult […]
ADHD at work
Okay so now your diagnosed ADHD, what comes next?
ADHD at work
Vey personal perspective from a mum and her ADHD son
ADHD at work
Aimed at college, university students and those helping them through higher ed
ADHD at work
A guide to helping ADHD kids, though a little too focussed on "bad" behaviour
ADHD at work
Brilliant advice from father of three ADHD kids. I found it very helpful personally as a parent of an ADHD child
ADHD at work
I can’t see the problem? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: Most ADHD adults who come to see me for coaching are profoundly affected by low self-esteem and are often without any hope of improvement. Their self-esteem has eroded from living with their challenges, from the criticism and the self-criticism that follows and […]
ADHD at work
Find the right help Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: In many ways society conditions us to ask for help with physical challenges but not with mental. I’m quite tall, 6’4″, and I am occasionally asked to reach for something off the top shelf in the supermarket. No one is concerned, there is no judgement […]
ADHD at work
Concerns about labels don't outweigh the benefits that a label brings
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