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ADHD at work
If ADHD we find it even harder to maintain habits than to start them
ADHD at work
Just because research is weak doesn't mean the evidence isn't abundant.
ADHD at work
What if our ADHD traits come from Neanderthal genes?
ADHD at work
Insightful, honest and very funny There have been a few documentaries on ADHD produced over the years, but their format is usually worthy but depressing. The producers focus on cliché. We see naughty, hyper boys with ADHD, with a well meaning but often patronising tone. As adults with ADHD, we watch quite disconnected from the […]
ADHD at work
Reading other ADHD adult experiences and thoughts There are many fantastic blogs written by ADHD authors. I enjoy reading other ADHD writers, for their ADHD style and humour and to feel part of a rather weird ADHD club, though being a maverick “I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like […]
ADHD at work
A short list of the main support sites in the USA and the UK
ADHD at work
Okay so now your diagnosed ADHD, what comes next?
ADHD at work
Teachers saw the issues yet failed to offer meaningful advice
ADHD at work
I can’t see the problem? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: Most ADHD adults who come to see me for coaching are profoundly affected by low self-esteem and are often without any hope of improvement. Their self-esteem has eroded from living with their challenges, from the criticism and the self-criticism that follows and […]
ADHD at work
Consistently inconsistent? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: So we are inconsistent and that confuses everyone? David:  Well on the one hand, a kid with ADHD can be playing a sport where they kick a ball and stop a ball coming at them – say a soccer ball at 70mph – yet they can’t […]
ADHD at work
What do you pay attention to? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: You’re right David, after my years with depression and feeling stuck,  I started to make a series of changes to my lifestyle and my outlook. I made new decisions that affected my health, wellbeing and attitude, to be more positive and […]
ADHD at work
Making lasting change Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: When we coach an adult client usually a lot starts to change in their lives. But sadly the usual ADHD life time experience is that when attempts are made to changes behaviours, they often don’t last. Making lasting change is difficult, new routines are interrupted and […]
ADHD at work
Sticking to the program Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: Something becomes habitual after 40 days, is that right? It becomes easy because it becomes an automatic process? David: But habitual can also be negative. ADDers have a very difficult time embracing success because they’re not used to it. I work with a lot […]
ADHD at work
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: It’s important to wake up and start with a pleasant ease-in to the day. ADHD adults are emotional, so if the start to our day isn’t a positive one, a day can turn into a series of distractions and avoidances. I see mornings as […]
ADHD at work
There’s no cure, but there is a prescription for a better life Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: After the early euphoria from an adult ADHD diagnosis, it not uncommon to feel disappointment: medications don’t offer a miracle cure, the negative traits of ADHD as not simply going to go away. The reality […]
ADHD at work
Here is a video giving my more integrated, experienced based perspective of ADHD
ADHD at work
Concerns about labels don't outweigh the benefits that a label brings
ADHD at work
Understand your own ADHD by seeing it reflected in others
ADHD at work
University memory and lecture based education is ADHD hostile
ADHD at work
Following recipes is impossible but innovative and intuitive cooking is our speciality
ADHD at work
ADHD differences are not only about dopamine but about different electrical signalling too
ADHD at work
Travel is peak stimulation for my novelty seeking mind
ADHD at work
Genetically programmed to fight the system
ADHD at work
I get bored, very bored, painfully bored but I'm not allowed to talk about it.
ADHD at work
Ten ways to build a better ADHD life
ADHD at work
Hunter in a Farmer’s World is Hartmann's metaphor to characterise the life situations of ADHD.
ADHD at work
Jonathan Mooney discusses the how education focuses on the wrong skills
ADHD at work
Ken Robinson speaks on the need to modernise education, particularly hostile to ADHD students
ADHD at work
An energetic and insightful TEDx talk from an ADHD entrepreneur.
ADHD at work
Tomm Hartmann convincingly argues that ADHD is not a disorder
ADHD at work
More accurate than DSM V Funny and really quite accurate perspective of ADHD, from a highly successful, medically-diagnosed ADHD YouTuber known as NigaHiga.
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