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ADD and Loving It!? – best documentary

ADD and Loving It!? – best documentary
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ADHD at work
Insightful, honest and very funny There have been a few documentaries on ADHD produced over the years, but their format is usually worthy but depressing. The producers focus on cliché. We see naughty, hyper boys with ADHD, with a well meaning but often patronising tone. As adults with ADHD, we watch quite disconnected from the […]
ADHD at work
Find the right help Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: In many ways society conditions us to ask for help with physical challenges but not with mental. I’m quite tall, 6’4″, and I am occasionally asked to reach for something off the top shelf in the supermarket. No one is concerned, there is no judgement […]
ADHD at work
The internet is a great place to meet and discuss ADHD When I first self-diagnosed with ADHD, reading ADHD forums and websites was a complete revelation. All these other people like me, similar problems but also a similar sense of humour, world views, habits and minds. Living with ADHD can seem lonely so finding people […]
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