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Adult ADHD diagnosis in the UK

Adult ADHD diagnosis in the UK
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ADHD at work
The UK NHS has reluctantly and slowly moved to helping ADHD adults but it's still it's far from easy
ADHD at work
Differences in brain hemispheres are dismissed as pop-science, yet current research shows otherwise
ADHD at work
We can take simple actions to improve our happiness.
ADHD at work
Second of four posts covering my diagnosis journey and experience
ADHD at work
Great talk on genetic influences from Steven Pinker
ADHD at work
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders on ADHD In the USA these criteria are laid down by the American Psychiatric Association in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 4th edition, the next revision DSM V, is due in 2012. UK psychiatrists use this along with the NICE guidelines on ADHD and […]
ADHD at work
Diagnosis is a turning point I have met and spoken with many adults at the moment of ADHD diagnosis. Many of the clients I start to coach are working through the diagnosis process or have only just been diagnosed. A few years back I had a great job for a while, I ran an Adult […]
ADHD at work
What do you pay attention to? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: You’re right David, after my years with depression and feeling stuck,  I started to make a series of changes to my lifestyle and my outlook. I made new decisions that affected my health, wellbeing and attitude, to be more positive and […]
ADHD at work
There’s no cure, but there is a prescription for a better life Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: After the early euphoria from an adult ADHD diagnosis, it not uncommon to feel disappointment: medications don’t offer a miracle cure, the negative traits of ADHD as not simply going to go away. The reality […]
ADHD at work
Here is a video giving my more integrated, experienced based perspective of ADHD
ADHD at work
If we are ADHD we are at great risk of addiction, and it's not surprising
ADHD at work
Our microbiome is instrumental in our mood, cognition and health. Treat it carefully
ADHD at work
Probably the most important vitamin of all is for some of the year the hardest to get naturally.
ADHD at work
Deep yet uncontrolled focus
ADHD at work
For many their intuition is often accurate, insightful, intelligent and sometimes surprising
ADHD at work
ADHD differences are not only about dopamine but about different electrical signalling too
ADHD at work
Travel is peak stimulation for my novelty seeking mind
ADHD at work
Genetically programmed to fight the system
ADHD at work
I get bored, very bored, painfully bored but I'm not allowed to talk about it.
ADHD at work
Hunter in a Farmer’s World is Hartmann's metaphor to characterise the life situations of ADHD.
ADHD at work
Jonathan Mooney discusses the how education focuses on the wrong skills
ADHD at work
Medicine understands disease, disorder and disability but not diversity. Research indicates advantageous traits too.
ADHD at work
Some website from some of the leading US experts
ADHD at work
We don't inhibit our ADHD emotions, so life is usually a roller coaster
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