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ADHD at work
Adults with ADHD are six times more likely to start their own business
ADHD at work
Just because research is weak doesn't mean the evidence isn't abundant.
ADHD at work
What if our ADHD traits come from Neanderthal genes?
ADHD at work
Insightful, honest and very funny There have been a few documentaries on ADHD produced over the years, but their format is usually worthy but depressing. The producers focus on cliché. We see naughty, hyper boys with ADHD, with a well meaning but often patronising tone. As adults with ADHD, we watch quite disconnected from the […]
ADHD at work
My experienced based, non-medical diagnostic criteria for ADHD
ADHD at work
Diagnosis is a turning point I have met and spoken with many adults at the moment of ADHD diagnosis. Many of the clients I start to coach are working through the diagnosis process or have only just been diagnosed. A few years back I had a great job for a while, I ran an Adult […]
ADHD at work
Teachers saw the issues yet failed to offer meaningful advice
ADHD at work
Consistently inconsistent? Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: So we are inconsistent and that confuses everyone? David:  Well on the one hand, a kid with ADHD can be playing a sport where they kick a ball and stop a ball coming at them – say a soccer ball at 70mph – yet they can’t […]
ADHD at work
We need to be engaged to succeed Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: We can handle our challenges by figuring out new ADHD-friendly ways to do things and to do them our way. Basically to forget the usual way of getting stuff done. But we can also decide that we really don’t have […]
ADHD at work
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: It’s important to wake up and start with a pleasant ease-in to the day. ADHD adults are emotional, so if the start to our day isn’t a positive one, a day can turn into a series of distractions and avoidances. […]
ADHD at work
Find an ADHD coach Interview with David Giwerc, President ADD Coaching Academy Andrew: So many Adults with ADHD that I speak with in the UK and Europe are only recently diagnosed. Do you have one final message for somebody who’s newly self-diagnosed or medically-diagnosed, or who maybe just figured there are ADHD from a friend or a web […]
ADHD at work
A TED talk on the experimentally confirmed results that confirm happiness brings us success. 
ADHD at work
A wonderful talk about forgiveness
ADHD at work
The internet is a great place to meet and discuss ADHD When I first self-diagnosed with ADHD, reading ADHD forums and websites was a complete revelation. All these other people like me, similar problems but also a similar sense of humour, world views, habits and minds. Living with ADHD can seem lonely so finding people […]
ADHD at work
Positive psychology, a new scientific field is just a decade old. Finally we are studying happiness,
ADHD at work
Understand your own ADHD by seeing it reflected in others
ADHD at work
With ADHD awareness can come a more positive, strength based outlook to life
ADHD at work
Deep yet uncontrolled focus
ADHD at work
The perfect teacher, for a connected mind
ADHD at work
For many their intuition is often accurate, insightful, intelligent and sometimes surprising
ADHD at work
Travel is peak stimulation for my novelty seeking mind
ADHD at work
The label ADHD helps more than it hinders Once we get past the fear of a label, there is a lot of benefit in knowing and accepting our ADHD, much better than a life in denial or misunderstanding. My life would have been very different had I known about my ADHD from an early age: […]
ADHD at work
Simple planning without a diary or to-do list
ADHD at work
Ten ways to build a better ADHD life
ADHD at work
It's easy to lose hope, other people can help you regain it.
ADHD at work
Other adults with ADHD provide the greatest insight
ADHD at work
As self-critical, problem solvers our ADHD focus tends towards faults and problems. Recognise your successes.
ADHD at work
Is there a more valuable and rewarding task or activity that you could be doing right now.
ADHD at work
Some website from some of the leading US experts
ADHD at work
More accurate than DSM V Funny and really quite accurate perspective of ADHD, from a highly successful, medically-diagnosed ADHD YouTuber known as NigaHiga.
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